I just came across a problem when i tried to add a Bitcoin Donation Button to my WordPress installation.
Always when i tried to add a link which started with „bitcoin:“ so it is recognized by the Wallet Software on my Desktop WordPress totally crippled the link, stripping out the „bitcoin:“ URI.
Would not have been a big deal but i wanted to have this resolved. It seems that WordPress filter that URI so that only „valid“ URI’s are accepted like http or ftp.
Now i searched for a solution where i don’t have to change core files (which is bad) or theme files so that it also would work after an updated. After researching a bit i found a solution using WordPress „Must-use-plugins“.
So what you have to do? Simply FTP to your WordPress install directory and add a directory called mu-plugins inside your wp-content folder.
Now create a textfile called bitcoin-uri-enabler.php and paste this content into it:
<?php /** * Plugin Name: Bitcoin URI enabler * Plugin URI: http://blog.sengotta.net * Description: This plugin enables the Bitcoin URI on your WordPress installation * Author: Björn Sengotta * Author URI: http://blog.sengotta.net * Version: 0.1.0 */ function ss_allow_bitcoin_protocol( $protocols ){ $protocols[] = 'bitcoin'; return $protocols; } add_filter( 'kses_allowed_protocols' , 'ss_allow_bitcoin_protocol' ); ?>
Upload that file to the mu-plugins folder. The plugins is activated be default and you can find it in your Dashboard under Plugins- Must-Use.
The bitcoin URI should now be correctly recognized by WordPress.
To achieve the following infos were really helpful: