I just received a signed driver by Winchiphead for their USB Serial bridge CH340. Now it should be possible to use Arduino’s equipped with that without any problems under Mac OS 10.9 to mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra).
For High Sierra you must allow the driver to load in the Security & Privacy Settings you will be asked for it once you plug in a device with this serial chip, Thanks to Robin for this info.
Until it is available on the Winchiphead Website you can download the driver package here (Updated 11.01.2017):
Little hint that Altais posted in the comments if it does not work correctly. You can try copying the usbserial kext to the folder /System/Library/Extensions. Easiest way is the terminal here: sudo cp /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext /System/Library/Extensions
If you have problems with the driver using the latest OSX High Sierra please refer to the KB Article: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208019
Thanks to Thomas B. for this hint.
I have not tried this by myself.
Have fun
Works nicely on my iMac / el captain + Arduino Nano (clone).
Thank you for posting.
Obrigado. Ficou excelente. Erisson Fanjas – Brasil 0/
i’m unable to find other Ports on Arduino on my MacBook Pro with El Capita…
Have some solutions? thanks
Sorry but can you explain that more in detail?
Is there a safe way to remove this driver ?
Is solely removing /Library/Extensions/usbserial.txt sufficient ?
After installing the drivers i do get Kernel panics and there is no tty.wchusbserial in /dev
Already tried https://www.corecode.at/uninstallpkg/ ?
No, always try to understand what i am running/executing on my mac. Already checked the Packageinfo in mykextdir.pkg for the files. Checked the dependencies with uninstallpkg, which confirms that removing /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext was sufficient.
Hi Peter! Any chance you recall if and how you uninstalled this kext?
Personally i dont use a Mac anymore. Also Apple made it harder with every Version of MacOS installing own kext.
Thanks, I have the CH340 signed driver working with Yosemite, and while CoolTerm sees the serial port and I see data when I use a loopback, this only works if I type slowly. If I type quickly, the chip appears to lock up and no more data is echoed. This happens at all baud rates from 300 to 230400bps. Do you have any idea what could cause this?
Thanks very much !!!!!
I need help to install this driver in Hackintosh El Capitan
Tried everything how is explained but no result
Some help?
Should be no differences if its an Hackintosh or nor. Did you had any previous Versions of this driver installed which you should remove first?
the port is gone again. and does not come back.
is this still version 1.0 downloaded from china??
Which port? This is the package i received from WCH as preview last year.
I’ve been struggling with other „said-to-be-working-on-yosemite“ CH34x drivers from all around the web, without success.
Eventually found your page… Worked like a charm, on first attempt
Vielen Größe Danke (or something like that…)
Signed driver is not available anymore.
Unsigned driver does not work with El Capitan 10.11.5, even with kext-signing disabled. (csrutil enable –without kext).
ESP8266 with CH340 USBtoSerial is definitely not programmable with OS X 10.11.5.
What do you mean by: Signed driver is not available anymore? You could download it here or on the Winchiphead Website.
The unsigned drivers did not work even on 10.10.
I think he means it simply does not work anymore. At least it does not for me and a friend of mine. We both have a rMBP 13″ with OSX 10.11.5 running. I’ve tried everything I found on the internet but I don’t get it to work. Is there somebody who managed to get it to work on 10.11.5?
I’ve got the signed Winchipahead driver working with OS X 10.11.6. You will want to follow the troubleshooting instructions from https://www.mac-usb-serial.com/wordpress/support/troubleshooting/ to ensure that you aren’t having a driver conflict.
I am having the same problem. Ever since upgrading to 10.11.5, I can’t get any combination of driver magic to work.
This isn’t working for me on 10.11.5 either. Are there simple instructions on how to best remove the driver package?
It’s not showing up in my Applications folder but I see it when I list packages using „pkgutil“. It’s called com.wch.usbserial.pkg.
Everybody only says that it is not working. Maybe someone could provide a debug log to see what happens when you plugin a device with a WCH bridge?
For me this just worked perfectly fine.
Just downloaded the driver from this web site (http://blog.sengotta.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CH34x_Install.zip), unpacked it (unzip) and double click on the pkg (CH34x_Install.pkg), then rebooted, and I now see a /dev/cu.wchusbserial410 when I plug in my Chinese Nano clone, and I can successfully program it with the Arduino IDE.
This is on MacOS X El Capitan, 10.11.5, on a MacBook Air 13-inch, Late 2010.
Does the serial port still show up – after you remove the Arduino USB, and reconnect ?
Mine does not – but I am on mac OS Sierra !
it works.
Awsome, it works :p thanks
Danke! Thank-you! Danke!
The install (http://blog.sengotta.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CH34x_Install.zip) worked for me as well using Mac OS X El Capitan, 10.11.6, on a MacBook Pro 15-inch, Early 2008.
no luck here, i install it but: ls -l /dev/tty.* og ls -l /dev/cu.* shows anything new
In OSX 10.11.6
Would be helpful if anybody which has a not working configuration would post a syslog etc. which shows what happens when you plugin an Arduino etc. with a CH340. There are no Magical Crystal balls which could tell us whats the problem.
Works! Thank you.
The install (http://blog.sengotta.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CH34x_Install.zip) worked for me as well using Mac OS X El Capitan, 10.11.6, on a MacBook Air 11-inch, C2D, Late 2010
See the same port as LUTZB
Anyone got this to work on OSX Sierra yet ??? I know Sierra is still beta but can NOT get serial to work at all – tried just about ANY driver under the sun – including from this blog. Looks like gonna have to roll back to El-Capitan
Any Log files which show what happens when you plugin an adapter? Sorry but i dont own a magical glasbowl.
I get a kernel panic the second I plug in a ch340 using this driver on Sierra, a log can be found here: http://pastebin.com/GL9xCabT
Also can’t seem to get it to work under Sierra … Anyone had any luck ? Or knows who we should contact for an update request ?
Same question which i ask so often: Is there any kind of Syslog etc. which shows what happens when you plugin a device?
How should such a problem be traced without any info?
Worked like a charm. Right out of the box. Thanks for making this public.
It worked perfectly at OS X El Captain (10.11.6) on MacBook Air 13.3 Mid 2013.
Thank you very much!
Just install the package, reboot and play!
I tried this for hours but I can’t get it to work. The driver is correctly installed and the kext is loaded.
dmesg output suggests that the driver is at least doing something, once I plug a board in:
wch_usb start.
1 0 wch_usb: configDMM – find the config interface numbers
However, it hangs at that point. No serial device. I got it working once, but after that no luck. It’s very sporadic. Even the wch_usb_start output is not shown every time. In fact, the usb id of the device sometimes jumps in the system monitor. Sometimes it’s even not there at all. So you have to be lucky for the usb subsystem to see it _and_ for the driver to initialize it correctly, which almost never works.
If I try plugging and unplugging the device long enough, dmesg comes up with a „permanent usb enumeration error“, after which the driver is completely silent and I have to reboot.
I tried multiple boards, all with the same result. On a Windows box however, they all work flawlessly.
Bottom line: At least on some mac hardware this chip is unusable
Same problem here, not working on Sierra…
i am using arduino nano n el capitan. after installing the driver, el capitan manage to recognise the nano at /dev/cu.wchusbserial1420 but when i try to upload the sketch i got :
Arduino: 1.6.11 (Mac OS X), Board: „Arduino Nano, ATmega328“
Sketch uses 1,042 bytes (3%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30,720 bytes.
Global variables use 9 bytes (0%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2,039 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes.
/Users/rudirahmadi/Desktop/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -C/Users/rudirahmadi/Desktop/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -patmega328p -carduino -P/dev/cu.wchusbserial1420 -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:/var/folders/n2/r61l7hxs4mg2rznxcb4qw05m0000gn/T/build5edb31706df3d15d2d24f9876b49c432.tmp/Blink1_4.ino.hex:i
avrdude: Version 6.0.1, compiled on Apr 14 2015 at 16:30:25
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean, http://www.bdmicro.com/
Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Joerg Wunsch
System wide configuration file is „/Users/rudirahmadi/Desktop/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf“
User configuration file is „/Users/rudirahmadi/.avrduderc“
User configuration file does not exist or is not a regular file, skipping
Using Port : /dev/cu.wchusbserial1420
Using Programmer : arduino
Overriding Baud Rate : 57600
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 2 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 3 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 4 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 5 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 6 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 7 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 8 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 9 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude done. Thank you.
Problem uploading to board. See http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Troubleshooting#upload for suggestions.
This report would have more information with
„Show verbose output during compilation“
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
It worked perfectly with my Prusa 3D printer using Arduino clone board under el Capitan. However with Sierra I get a kernel panic like this one http://pastebin.com/CwvK6WxK right after inserting usb cable and it keeps rebooting will the usb cable plugged in.
I tried to re-install the driver (had to ) and actually cannot make it shown with ls /dev/tty* anymore but it sits perfectly under cd /Library/Extensions/
Look like it cause OS to panic when OS attempts to load it.
What could possibly can be done and how can I help to figure out the cause of the problem?
Also people report the same issue here https://www.simplicate.info/2016/09/16/ch340-drama-osx-10-12-sierra-16a313a/
Check here for the latest driver dealing with the kernel panic on Sierra.
For macOS sierra:
I confirm that this: „TRAVELLER7
26. September 2016 um 12:50
For macOS sierra:
http://www.mblock.cc/posts/run-makeblock-ch340-ch341-on-mac-os-sierra“ works for me very well and no problems under Sierra. The ext is seen via ls /dev/tty* as /dev/tty.wchusbserial1420 after device is connected. Everything works like a charm and no kernel panic anymore.
Thank you very much!
Great!. No more panic on my mac with this driver for Sierra. I have a MB pro late 2010.
Thanks very much!
Just had a chat with a WCH employee.
The 1.3 driver is genuine by WCH.
I installed new(http://www.mblock.cc/posts/run-makeblock-ch340-ch341-on-mac-os-sierra) driver but still get kernel panic. Now I’m alone?
deleting /Syetem/Library/Extentions/ch34xsigned.kext has stopped kernel panic and the new driver works well.
Thank you so much. I spent hours debugging problems with the paid driver from https://www.mac-usb-serial.com and Arduino IDE and esptool.py just to discover that the driver you linked just works.
Where can I get some help on Serial port“ that goes missing from my Arduino IDE 1.6.12, each time I remove the USB connector from my Mac OS installed with Sierra.
I have to install the driver ch34x_Install_v1.3.zip , reboot the laptop to get the port.
The serial port driver I installed was from :
I tried it on my macbook pro mid 2010 (with USB 2 !!) and it does´t work.
OS X is el captain.
The USB-Serial device is not shown with ls /dev/tty*
Which device? What does the Console output (Syslog, Dmesg) output of OSX say?
Its always a pain to resolve problems like this without proper information.
Most time i only hear: It does not work.
Worked great on 2015 MBP with Mac OS Sierra. Thanks
codesign –verify –verbose CH34x_Install_V1.3.pkg
Sagt mir leider, dass der Treiber hier von der Webseite nicht signiert ist.
Irgendwie geht mir Apple immer mehr auf den Keks.
Ich habe meinen alten Windows Laptop auf Win10 aktualisiert und Windows konnte den Treiber selber finden und installieren. Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, das MACs immer zu Hippstergeräten verkommen. Eine Touchbar für schnelleren Zugriff auf Smilies? Aber vernünftige HW-Entwicklung ist nicht mehr möglich.
Vll. sollte ich meinen Apple verkaufen, die Gebrauchtpreise sind ja dank des Flops der letzten Keynote gut gestiegen.
Das Installationspaket ist nicht signiert, aber darum geht es hier auch garnicht. Was wichtig ist, ist das der Treiber signiert ist, und dies ist der Fall.
Nachprüfen kann man das nach der Installation unter „Über diesen Mac“->Systembericht->Software->Erweiterungen->usbserial.
Wäre der Treiber nicht signiert dann würde er auch nicht funktionieren.
Is there a way to change the name /dev/cu.wchusbserial410 to /dev/cu.usbserial1410 as Simulink does not accept port names that don’t start with cu.usb?
wine: cannot find L“C:\\windows\\system32\\flash_download_tool_v1.2_150512.exe“
What you like to tell us with that?
Hi Bjoern
It even helped me to use EODB facilite app for checking engine using ELM USB.
That’s AWESOME!!!
I was hardly tied and even lost any hope to find solution to enable USB-Serial driver for my Mac Sierra… and viola!
Thanks! I’ve been trying for hours to get my clone working. This did the trick!
I’m using Sierra (10.12.3).
I downloaded the drivers, double clicked on the package installer, everything said the install went find and I should restart. I did so.
%ls /dev/tty*
shows many many ttys, but none of them are the winchiphead one;
% ls /dev/ttyw*
/dev/ttyw0 /dev/ttyw4 /dev/ttyw8 /dev/ttywc
/dev/ttyw1 /dev/ttyw5 /dev/ttyw9 /dev/ttywd
/dev/ttyw2 /dev/ttyw6 /dev/ttywa /dev/ttywe
/dev/ttyw3 /dev/ttyw7 /dev/ttywb /dev/ttywf
System Report…Hardware…USB shows a USB 3.0 bus, with
Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Optical Mouse
CS2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller
and nothing else.
It does appear that SOMEthing has happened, though, for under Software…Extensions there is something called „usbserial“ for which it says
Version: 1.1.1
Last Modified: 8/16/16, 3:28 AM
Bundle ID: com.wch.usbserial
Loaded: No
Obtained from: Identified Developer
Kind: Intel
Architectures: x86_64
64-Bit (Intel): Yes
Location: /Library/Extensions/usbserial.kext
Kext Version: 1
Loadable: Yes
Dependencies: Satisfied
Signed by: Developer ID Application: Jiangsu Qinheng Co., Ltd. (X9BL5JJAZJ), Developer ID Certification Authority, Apple Root CA
Nonetheless, even with a USB cord plugged into my HiLetGo NodeMCU device, the Arduino software, under Tools…Port has „Serial Ports“ greyed out, and /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port as the only available port.
Any thoughts? Anything I can do at my end to help diagnose this?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can make.
It turns out to be moot. The NodeMCU board I’m using (from HiLetGo) actually uses a 2102 chip rather than one of the CH340-series chips; once I installed that driver, all went well.
A life saver. Works perfectly on El Capitan.
Thank you!
Works like a charm on osx sierra on mid 2010 mbp!
arduino nano with ch340 it works fine but
when plug the arduino mega with ch340 timeout problem or/then Sierra OS restart.
it doesn’t works.
test with
macbook pro sierra mac os 10.12.4
Upgraded to Sierra and previously well-behaved Wemos D1 mini (clone?) caused panic shutdown when plugged in to USB. Disabled usbserial.kext, which stopped the panic, but lost com port to Wemos until this driver. Danke!
Driver no longer works after 10.12.5 update
Already tried to completely reinstall the driver?
Yes, tried to remove the usbserial.kext and do a reinstall again. No luck so far.
Embarrassing – just realized I was using a power only USB cable with no data wires. Changed cable, and voila. Worked
Feel kinda stupid, as I’ve spent hours trying to solve the issue, only to find there wasn’t an issue, just wrong cable…
Worked on my MacBook with 10.11.6 and „NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 ESP-12 E Lua CH340“
I had to set in Arduino IDE the Reset Method to nodemcu (in Tools) instead of ck and then works.
Shows in the statusbar:
Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, 40 MHz, DIO, 115200, 512K (64K SPIFFS), nodemcu, Disabled, Node on /dev/cu.wchusbserial620
Thank you!
On Sierra 10.12.5 (16F73) on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) (MacBookPro11,3) the v1.3 driver kernel panics.
The v1.4 driver works perfectly with my Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266)!
Shows up as /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410 and /dev/tty.wchusbserial1420
Uninstalled the old package using guide here: https://wincent.com/wiki/Uninstalling_packages_(.pkg_files)_on_Mac_OS_X
pkgutil –pkgs
pkgutil –files com.wch.usbserial
(remove usbserial.kext from /Library/Extensions)
pkgutil –forget com.wch.usbserial
Thank you for the Info how to cleanly uninstall old versions of the driver.
saludos, muchisimas gracias, me fue de gran ayuda!!!
Thx Bjoern, I was struggling the whole afternoon with my new ESP8266 12E rev2, mounted on Mac Air + Sierra.
Your driver „Winchiphead for their USB Serial bridge CH34“ works!!! (at least with blink).
Heartfelt thx
Manlio (Milan)
Thank you very much, Björn! This is a great example of how community should work, when corporations fail .)s
The CH341SER_MAC-1.4 package is helpful hints to bypass my problem with Yosemite
Many thanks
Anybody tried this driver with High Sierra?
Have not upgraded till now because some friends had massive problems upgrading their Mac to High Sierra.
CH341SER_MAC-1.4.zip + Arduino 1.8.5 + Witty Cloud + „High Sierra“ confirmed.
It works like a charm on macOS 10.13. I tried it with „2017 MacBook Pro“ and „Mid 2011 iMac Intel i5“
The driver requires a restart of the mac once it is installed (*.pkg)
I installed the Arduino IDE 2nd. Once I connected the ESP8266 12F (Witty Cloud) I got a PopUp from “High Sierra” -> System Extension blocked.
I had to go to Sytem Preferences->Security & Privacy->General and “Allow” the Software from “Jiangsu Qinheng Co.,Ltd.” to be loaded.
After some Setup in Arduino …
-> “Additional Board Manager” -> http://arduino.esp8266.com/versions/2.2.0/package_esp8266com_index.json
-> Insert esp8266 2.2.0
-> Board “WeMos D1 R2 & mini”, 80MHz, 4M (3M SPIFFS), 115200
-> Port: “/dev/cu.wchusbserial20”
… I instantly got the VID and PID BoardInfo.
Since I already installed the esp8266com_index, I had my esp “blink examples” and was able to Upload Software and was also able to track the Serial Data on the ArduinoMonitor (Shift+Command+M)
I needed to adjust the speed in the Monitor, needs to be equal to the „Serial.begin()“ value, but I guess you all know that, though I post it anyway. I set both (Monitor and Serial) to the programming speed of 115200 baud.
Thanks a lot for sharing the download link !!
Best Regards
Hi there, just updated to 10.14.0 Mojave
I had to reinstall the driver and now it works again
Hi! Thanks for the link! The driver works on MBUnibody 2010 with El Capitan 10.11.4. … with some tinkering!
Let me explain: The driver installer puts the usbserial.kext file into Library/Extensions/ which did not work for me (no errors/no results). Since it doesn’t allow you to correct the installation folder in the installer, I had to find the file in Finder, then copy it to System/Library/Extensions/, then restart. After this, the serial driver appeared in System Report under the USB section, and I successfully uploaded my first sketch to the Arduino UNO clone.
Hi. I have installed the driver on my MacBook pro with el captitan. I’m trying to engrave usomg the dbeam app. The engraving machine connects to dbeam but when I start the engraving nothing happens . In the apps data log it says the engraving has started but it isnt actually engraving. Can anyone help?
If it connects it looks like the serial connection is working, so it must be another issue.
just tested on fresh High Sierra install – works fine (not BETA).
I try it but no usbserial.kext in my folder extensions. ?
I was using a power only USB cable!!!
I hate to admit that I was so stupid but I also used a power only USB cable! Thanks for posting the info Maurice!!
I’ve High Sierra (10.13.1) and it dosn’t works :/
Delete previous Versions of the driver and check the cable. In some cases people used faulte USB cables, or cables where the data lines were not connected.
I’ve tried four time..
First delete usbserial.kext (/System/Library/Extensions/“)
Download e install CH341SER_MAC and reboot
But no way to find my nodemMCU
What can i do?
First check the cable. Many problems here were cause by faulty USB cables.
Second do an complete uninstall of the driver like Mike mentioned it here: https://blog.sengotta.net/signed-mac-os-driver-for-winchiphead-ch340-serial-bridge/#comment-40414
Or try what Altais mentioned here: http://blog.sengotta.net/signed-mac-os-driver-for-winchiphead-ch340-serial-bridge/#comment-40735
Also it would be helpful to have some kind of dmesg output etc. else it is only guessing.
I’ve tried both, doesn’t work!
Any logs which i’ve already asked the last time for?
Log files which show what happens when you plugin the nodeMCU. Refer to that: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4170078
Does your nodeMCU really use the WCH chipset? Some of them are shipped with a cp2102.
I have a OS X Yosemite so what kind of version I need?
Simply use the newest.
I installed High Sierra 10.13.4 and it dosn’t works.
In February it worked with the previous (10.13.3) version.
Does it already work with someone with 10.13.4?
I also couldn’t get it to work with 10.13.4. The device doesn’t show up neither in `/dev` nor in the System Profiler
Okay guys, its kind of hard finding a solution for your problem, if the only info provided is : Its not working.
Show us a log which shows what happens when you plugin your USB<->Serial device and than we can see if we find out what the problem is.
I had lots of problems with these boards until i found the ONE AND ONLY working USB-Cable. Looks like these chips are very picky about the cable you use. With this one cable all thought to be driver problems went away immediately, with my MKR1000 as well as the Wemos D1.
So try all Micro-USB cables you have, the shorter, the better! Make sure they are designed not only for charging (2 wires connected) but also for data transfer (4 wires connected).
where can I attach a logfile?
Maybe Pastebin and than post the link?
a copy from my install.log with the part where #Installed „CH34x_Install“# is logged.
After the installation i can’t find any device like tty.wchusbserial…
looking for help
Sorry but the log is not very useful. Seems that the driver was installed, that all you can see here. Thats why i asked for a log that shows what happens when you plug in a device with ch340g chipset.
Also please try different USB cables. Many problems where cause by faulty USB Cables.
I have now tried several USB cables. I can not find an entry in any logfile (install.log; system.log; * log).
I do not know where to look?
Hi. I’m a bit late to the party, but I can confirm that it worked on my MacBook Pro (2012) with OSX 10.11.6.
Uploaded to a Chinuino Nano…
i have 10.13.4 os and don`t work.
Maybe you could provide some more information, so we could track down if it is maybe only a faulty cable like in 99% of the other cases.
I have Mac OS 10.13.4. Driver does not work correctly. I see it in /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410 or /dev/tty.wchusbserial1420 depending where i put my cable. Now when using coolterm or minicom connected to network switch i see only bad symbols. Seems like the speed or flow control is something wrong. My cable and speed/flow control are perfect because i just unplug the cable and put in windows and voila all goes GOOD.
Btw everything was working on Mac OS X too but on the previous version may be 10.13.3 i think before 2-3 months. Yes i tried removing driver all variants restarted. Installing again CH34x_Install_V1.4.pkg again restarted and result same. Bad terminal symbols in minicom. Also i allowed in gerneral/security installation from Everywhere. My device is CH340 compatible working just before 3 months very well.
This happens when you plugin the device:
It works!
macOS 10.13.4 has enhanced the security of newly installing third party Kernel Extensions (kext).
See this page for details: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208019 and especially the section „User Approved Kernel Extension Loading without MDM“
Effectively, you will notice after installation instead of directly loading the .kext after reboot, it is necessary to go in to System Preferences -> Privacy & Security, and then in the panel „General“ at the bottom there will be a warning about the newly installed Kext as well as a button to „allow“ loading of the new kext.
Click that button and after one more reboot (or kextload manually) and the driver should work again.
I wasn’t able to make it work on macOS 10.13.4
Here’s the log, from right after plugging the device, then unplugging it. https://pastebin.com/iUwURrH8
I’m trying to make an Elitech RC-5 work.
Have you already tried what Thomas B. suggested here in the comments?
I have the same situation.
I also tried driver from https://www.mac-usb-serial.com/ and it is the same at least for me /not working/
The strange thing is that i have vbox in macosx running guest windows xp and i can work there using the same
driver. I also wrote to coolterm developer and minicom and they suggest that there are character enconding problems in the driver with latest macosX. Can anyone confirm this ?
Being honest, i do not use 10.13 till now beacause of the horrible APFS which comes with it and the hilarious security issues Apple had with it.
The quality of this piece of Software simply sucks.
thx so much :0
Danke euch… voralem Thomas… das war der entscheidende Tip… nochmals in der Security nachzusehen….
I have 10.13.6 (17G65) and my intent is to use it to connect with and control my NEJE.
I have looked at several boards that denote how to do this, but have yet to Sherlock this thing.
I have finally got the driver installed in the library/extensions/usbserial.kext, but it does not show in system/library/extensions.
Thanks! This works for me on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 with a Wemos / LOLIN D1 mini pro v2.0.0 with winchiphead 340c chipset. Only thing I don’t know is whether I now have a rootkit on my system :p
The Winchiphead driver is available at http://www.wch.cn/downloads/CH341SER_MAC_ZIP.html now as well by the way. The file is identical as the one hosted here:
MD5 (CH341SER_MAC-3/CH34x_Install_V1.4.pkg) = dda159afc59df245a492e77d8c9975ab
MD5 (CH341SER_MAC-2/CH34x_Install_V1.4.pkg) = dda159afc59df245a492e77d8c9975ab
Awesome! This post saved our life.
Anyone else trying in 2020, WCH have released v1.5 of the driver and it works for me, after not working with 1.4
OSX El Catalina, and the board was sold as „ARCELI ESP8266 Development Board NodeMCU Lua V3 WIFI with CH340G USB and Base Shield“ on Amazon.
Initially, I could only see /dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port and /dev/tty.usbserial-1410 listed. Now with v1.5, I also see /dev/tty.wchusbserial1410
There was nothing out of the ordinary in syslog or dmesg when it wasn’t working.
I got v1.5 of the OSX driver from: http://www.wch.cn/downloads/CH341SER_MAC_ZIP.html
Yes, also trying.
But even after installing the v1.5 driver I can’t see a „wchusbserial“ port.
Trying again. After updating to 10.15 Catalina the v1.4 is not working anymore.
With v1.5 I can see „wchusbserial1420“ but it is not working.
Gracias, se eliminó mi Kernel.panic usando – CH341SER_MAC-1.4
Todavia estoy investigando, NO reconoce mi dispositivo USB 721PE plotter PIXMAX 720 MM VINYL CUTTER
mac SIERRA 10.13.6
Seguire investigando.